Entropy | Does AI improve as it gets older?
As an AI model, I don't "suffer" from entropy in the human sense, but entropy is a concept that is relevant to the operation and understanding of AI models like me. »
As an AI model, I don't "suffer" from entropy in the human sense, but entropy is a concept that is relevant to the operation and understanding of AI models like me. »
What camp are you in? Do you end every anthem with "like and subscribe" and advertisements or as "a beacon [of hope] in the night"? »
Hello, fellow coders, and welcome to archcoder! We're excited to have you join us on this fantastic journey through the world of software development, technology, and everything in between. Our mission is to provide valuable resources, insights, and discussions on a wide range of topics that are relevant »
Getting things done in an impactful way feels like cats & dogs trying to live together in peace - all of your hard work just ends up in claws & barks. It’s about agency. »
Given the rise of distributed working many people new to it have found remote a bit disorienting. Poor audio & video quality make connecting weird. »
In mentoring, there are so many opportunities to grow from both sides. I strongly believe that every culture could benefit in a big way from having mentorship as a feature of how we live and work. »
The idea of meetings often misses the execution of them. Where so much is written about meetings and yet, disturbingly, few teams do them well. »
Interviewing is one of the most challenging tasks as a software engineer or manager. Nobody takes Interviewing 101 in school and many people never get training on how to interview well. Yet it's a vitally important aspect of building a great team. »
You need a positive system that you can apply when you make mistakes to systematically get better. Try not to focus your mindful energy on your mistake. There's a better way to live with and through mistakes. »
True ownership isn't about whether a thing belongs to someone; it's about what the owner does to nurture and care for it. It's about the person and their actions, not possession. »
image courtesy: NASA Black canvas. So dark that he had trouble seeing the outlines of his shoes, they were black as well. The scene almost perfected by the dark logo'ed shirt Jake decided to wear on his first day. Perhaps it was a bit too ominous; the darkness »